
Education Study Program Biology FKIP UMS carries out periodic evaluation and updating of the curriculum every 4 years. Evaluation and updating of the curriculum is carried out by involving internal stakeholders (students, lecturers, education staff, faculty leaders, and university leaders) as well as external stakeholders (alumni, stakeholders/users) and reviewed by experts in the field of study programs, industry, associations, and accordance with the development of science and technology and user needs. Evaluation and updating of the curriculum is carried out to suit the needs of users (stakeholders), global challenges, government policies, scientific developments in associations, and benchmarking with various institutions.

Broadly speaking, the Biology Education Study Program Curriculum FKIP UMS has the following characteristics:

  1. Student study load is 148 credits scheduled in 8 semesters.
  2. The load of elective courses is 8 credits, students choose 4 courses from the 8 courses provided starting in semester V.
  3. In addition to having courses that put more emphasis on theoretical aspects, there are also courses that put more emphasis on the skills aspect in the form of practicum as much as 75% (15/20 courses in biology)
  4. There are prerequisites for courses (except courses in semester 1).
  5. The distribution of courses is based on curriculum pressure points, namely the fields of biology and education.
  6. In order to provide broader and deeper Islamic insights, the
  7. Biology Education Study Program curriculum, FKIP UMS, is given 3 (three) compulsory Al Islam courses (2 credits each) and 1 (one) Muhammadiyah Studies course (2 credits).
  8. New students can write a thesis after completing 120 credits with a minimum GPA of 2.00.


Curriculum Journey Study Program Pend. Biology FKIP UMS